Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Y&F Newsletter Article

What if you walked up to your church one day and displayed on its doors were these hours of operation: “Church Open Only for These Occasions: Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, and twice a year on Christmas and Easter”. How would you feel about that? Would there be a big “whew” when you realized that you weren’t held accountable anymore to sit in a pew every Sunday? Or would you go somewhere else to find a church that had suitable operation hours for you? I’m sure most of you would be pretty upset by that fact and maybe wonder how did this happen. Now this is just a hypothetical/fictional situation. Please don’t run up to Pastor and ask him why our times are changing at church!!

Here is a nonfictional way that things could happen that way: Everyone could just get burned out and not care anymore. It’s that way everywhere these days. People just can’t volunteer their time anymore or take time to nurture their faith. It’s all about staying busy with all sorts of things that society deems important. (This is not a judgment-I’m just as in it as everyone else is) How do we go against the grain? How do we surround our time as well as our family’s time with things that are important to God? Well, first what’s important to God? Well, one thing I know we hear every Sunday is to serve others, take care of the poor, to feed the hungry, to love our neighbors as ourselves and to be in fellowship with others and with God himself. That’s what God wants. Society wants us to worry about ourselves, “You’ll only be happy if you have a ton of money and a ton of cool things”. (Don’t get me wrong, I like cool things) But we have to remember what is really important to us and not by society’s standard.

How would this effect the church you may be asking? Well, if only the same twenty people join committees, volunteer their time to help paint walls, volunteer to teach Sunday school, usher, read or assist the minister; burnout is not far behind. I know not everyone is healthy enough or young enough to do all these things. There has to be a turnover process. Us younger people (and yes, I’m putting myself in the “younger” status) need to know that being a member of a church also leads to a commitment. Not just a commitment to worship here on Sundays but also a commitment to find ways that you can become involved in helping the church. I wasn’t always committed to the church. I started teaching Sunday school when my son was old enough to attend. I also wasn’t involved in any committees or groups for a long time. It wasn’t’ until Al Duthie (I still remember the call) called me one day to ask if I was interested in being a church council member. “What? Me?” Sometimes a simple phone call is all that it takes.

This month on Rally Day, we are going to try to rally people up to become interested in what our church has to offer you and how you can help the church. Helping in the church allows the church to remain open all the days between the baptisms, weddings, and holidays. The church can do a lot more between those highlighted days when there are people inside that are committed to it.

As Pastor has said many times this month: Thank you to all those who are committed in the many ways you contribute to our church. You are a blessing!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stuck in a city named Guilt

I'm sure from the title you know already what the article is about. I'm writing now because I have all these thoughts swirling through my head and need to get them out. I do not feel comfortable calling anyone about this on a Saturday night when families are together doing "family things"- so I go to the computer to be my ear tonight. Today is also my oldest son's 13th birthday and I'm feeling a bit sad and irritated. Sad because of all the memories and irritated basically because he's been a real jerk tonight. Thus the teenage years are starting off with a bang.

I am stuck in the place of guilt right now- and I know that most everyone says I don't need to feel guilty about getting a divorce. DIVORCE SUCKS BIG TIME- WHY DID I DO THIS- IT'S TOO DANG HARD!! I can't get past what I've done to my kids, parents and myself. Right now I don't see any silver lining in any of this. If anything I'm doing just as bad as last year at this time but without all the arguing and sleeping on the living room floor. Now I'm yelling at my kids more because my patience is gone and I'm sleeping in an uncomfortable bed with a ten yr old on the floor next to me (that's a whole different story) I am really second guessing my decision. But the weird thing is is that I do not miss my husband. So I miss the easier situation of having more money and another adult in the house that I could bounce the kids off of. We all do it "I've been home all day with the kids- now it's your turn- I'm on break".

I'm sipping wine right now- and I really wish I could just drink the whole bottle and pass out. But I know that I can't. I started doing that a lot last summer (with vodka) but realized that I couldn't keep doing it. I knew I had to stop. I'm off my anxiety pills- that I've been taking for six years- but I'm determined not to go back on due to what they do to me physically. It took me 6 months and 3 different pills to wean off my original dosage. I took a test at my counselor to determine if I was depressed- Bingo- right answer- don't have to phone a friend- correct- A+. I have thoughts run in and out of my mind- about it being easier to leave this place- but I know their just thoughts. I'd never act on them- but who needs them.

So- why in the heck would I tell you all this? Well- I have no clue. Writing has become cathardic to me- so it has helped to write this down. Another reason is I probably feel bad complaining to all of you in person- and usually a spell like this will seem better in the morning and if you asked me how I was I'd probably say- "fine." I don't do well with being vulnerable with people in person- on paper fine. I usually feel pretty stupid later.

Stuck in a city named guilt yes- know I shouldn't feel guilty-yes. Does the hurt go away-?

Don't worry- I'll break out sooner or later.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Youth & Family Article-Walking With Jesus

Walking With Jesus

Make level paths for your feet to walk on. Only go on ways that are firm. Don’t turn to the right of left. Keep your feet from the path of evil. Proverb 4:26-27

If you haven’t seen or heard yet, the theme for this summer’s Vacation Bible School is “Walking with Jesus”. I am very excited about this theme! I am also thrilled by the response of volunteers already this month. It’s such a comfort to know that there are many people in this congregation that love to serve. While I’ve been searching for ways to convey this concept to the kids, I approached Pastor Steve with a question about what Bible story I should use on the first day to tell the kids about Jesus and to tell them why they should follow Him. Pastor’s response was to have our goal be to give the kids enough information during those days that they will be able to discern that for themselves by the end of the week. Well, that’s a TALL order but I think we’ll give it a shot!

So what kind of path are your feet walking on these days? Is it bumpy and rocky with sadness and depression on your heals? Are your paths full of ups and downs that are making you sick to your stomach? Are you questioning the path that you’re on or do you think you’re on the right path? Maybe your path is full of all the above? The above bible verse says to make level paths for your feet to walk on. What does a level path even look like in this world? Does it even exist? I believe it does only when we choose to follow Jesus and live by his examples

We sometimes view our lives as an ongoing maze or puzzle that is in need of solving on our own. We want the “map of life” drawn out for us so we can solve all of our questions ourselves. We think that we can make our own plans and draw our own journey’s. We all eventually find out that that’s not the way God works! He wants us to put our full trust in Him and to be led by him on our level paths. That does not mean that when we follow Jesus that problems won’t arise, but it’s an assurance that when we choose to follow Jesus and live our lives by his examples that He will always be on the path with us.

For the kids at VBS, they need to be taught what it means to follow Jesus’ examples. They need to be taught what the right ways are and be shown what the wrong ways are so they know when those situations come up in their daily lives they can make those right decisions and build a level path with Jesus on it.

One of the cool things that we are going to attempt (with lots of help!), is to construct a Labyrinth outside. If you don’t know what a labyrinth is here is an excerpt from an article entitled “The Labyrinth Map”, from

A labyrinth looks like a maze but is not. A maze is like a puzzle to be solved. It has twists and turns and dead ends. You have to think and think and be alert for any clues you may find. A maze can be frustrating, frightening, or challenging. You can get lost in a maze.

A labyrinth, unlike a maze, has no dead ends. There is only one path, and while it does have twists and turns, you can’t get lost. The same path takes you into the labyrinth and out again. With a labyrinth you don’t have to think, or analyze, or solve a problem. With a labyrinth you just trust that the path will lead you to where you need to be.

It’s a cool article about kids going into a labyrinth for the first time and about how one of the kids wanted to bring in his “map” so he wouldn’t get lost. The author goes on to say that the boy realized he really didn’t need to use his map after all:

This is what we all do. We try to solve the labyrinth of life. We seek the experience of life in our minds through our thinking. We want to understand the journey in advance. We want to be prepared and not be surprised. We want the security of a map that we are going in the right direction.

I’m really excited about experiencing a labyrinth with the kids. I pray that by the conclusion of VBS that we all can throw away our maps and Walk with Jesus.

God’s Blessings


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Flip Flops Just Won't Do

I see this as an excuse to purchase a new pair of summer sandals...
I also wanted to add in my friend Tracy's comment to my last blog. I wanted to include it just so I can reread it when I need to and to share it with others.

After reading this, I couldn't help but think, "What IS a pothole?" I didn't get out a dictionary, but I figure a pothole is a worn area that's been damaged too much, and is thus falling apart and needs repair. Pretty symbolic of your life. Sooo many areas that have been deeply damaged, BUT all of them can be repaired with some attention (cute workmen wouldn't hurt the process either). But when potholes are ahead, you must SLOW DOWN, or REROUTE. Going down the same road at the same speed will only end up damaging the driver. Potholes are God's way of telling us to lay off the gas and be aware of what's around us. Choose a new direction if necessary, until the road is completely repaired and safe again.

I'm sorry Brian is not being the father you'd hoped he'd be. Not fair. Not fair that you can't catch a break- you DESERVE one, you NEED one. Is this the right path? I don't know what God's telling you, but I DO know that staying married to him seemed like the WRONG path. NO path is without potholes. Some even have complete detours, or actual roadblocks. That's how life is. BUT, you get to choose which part of the journey you give your attention to - If you get the chance, try not to focus on the potholes in the middle of the road - turn your head, look out the window, and enjoy the flowers by the roadside, that's where the beauty is....

Hang in there. I will pray, too....

Wise words for us all- Thanks Trace

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Caution..Too Many Potholes Ahead Turn Around

I don't have a great picture/image to go along with this blog. If I were to put one up it would be of a road that had huge potholes in them (kinda like any road on the interstate), with a big sign that said "Turn Around" or "This Is Going To Suck Go Back". I'm coming off such a good feeling with my last entry that this seems like such a blow. So yeah, what if I just turned around and went back. What if I could just tap my shoes and go back where I was two years ago and just suck it up (sorry that's twice I've used the word suck-three now). I think it would be a lot easier to live in denial of unhappiness then this.

What triggered this set back? This sudden turn of regret? Well let me tell you it's not because I miss my husband and wish we were walking hand in hand again. Don't misunderstand me that I didn't want to be like that- I tried> This set back started this afternoon after a long weekend of activities and I was looking forward to having an evening to myself to sit in front of the tv and watch movies. Well, the dad seemed a bit peeved that the kids were going to stay at his house tonight, which I find odd because he hadn't seen them since Tuesday. So when I came to drop their clothes off for the night he seemed a bit put off so I took them back home with me. I sent the kids out to the car and had a few choice words for the dad. Well- let's just say that they won't be seeing their dad the rest of the weekend. I've tried to be open and let the kids go over whenever=no big set days like in the divorce papers. Well now I realize that I have to take over and not let them over and stick to the every other weekend plan. This is where I break down. I've enjoyed having nights during the week to myself and every Saturday, now it's all piled back onto me. It looks like I'll be heading back to my lawyer to go over some things that have come up that need to be discussed and maybe eventually go back to court. Blah Blah Blah...So quit crying about it- you dug your hole so live in it.

I'm also frustrated that I have a house that needs work, kids that are hurt and frustrating, people stealing my lawn mower and grill- when the heck am I supposed to catch a break? I'm mad that this path is hard and maybe too hard for me to handle. I know God is with me but I can't help but feeling that I keep going in the wrong direction. Was this the right path after all?
Am I just tired?

I feel like roadkill on Self Pitty Lane.

As a friend once told me simply to do, "Pray."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Same Road Different Feelings

Ok, I must confess this is not the road I will be writing about- but I would have looked stupid taking a picture of the bike path! This is actually the road into the Lutheran Camp the kids went to last week. I guess I'm pretty dorky for taking a picture of that?? I'm glad a tree didn't jump out in front of the car!

The road I'm writing about is the bike path in Rochelle. For the last two years I've been roller blading on that path and as I began my third summer on it- I had a epiphany!

I began roller blading WAAYY back when I was a teenie bopper. My friend in High school- Debbie got me started. We'd go all the time- and I loved it. Of course as all things happen- my roller blading days got interrupted by having children and life's daily chores- there was no time for one of my favorite activities anymore. About two summers ago I decided to buy some new blades. The funny thing that I realized today was that was exactly two summers ago when my life began falling apart. I would head out to the path every evening to get away from my family. I needed time alone- and also needed to do something that I used to love to do. I would think about things and relieve some stress along with it. It was the time in my life when things were so confusing which led to a bout with depression. It was also the time I got an IPod- (Yeah, I know I'm a little behind the times!) I started downloading (or uploading?) some of my favorite songs. I wrote down some of the lyrics of the songs that I was listening to at the time- you might recognize some of them or none:

how many times can I break until I shatter over the line I can find what I'm after..I always turn the car around

where were you when everything was fallin apart lost and insecure you found me lying on the floor- why'd you have to wait? just a little late you found me

i'd walk a thousand miles just to see you tonight

I know it aches and your heart it breaks you can only take so much...walk on you've got to leave it behind- walk on you're strong

is it getting better or do you feel the same will it make it easier on you if you've got someone to blame did i ask to much more than a lot you gave me nothing and that's all i got we hurt eachother and we do it again i can't be holdin on to what you've got if all you've got is hurt

I maybe should have picked some peppier music? I wouldn't had been so depressed perhaps? But that's were I was those days.

So what's the epiphany you ask? Well, last week when I headed out with the same blades on, on the same path with the same music on the Ipod- I felt PEACE! Those same words in those songs didn't effect me the same way. I didn't feel depressed, regret, or anger. I just felt peace. I was stagnet for two years on that same road with my songs and I finally can see that I have moved on> only with God's help- mind you. I wouldn't be writing about these things if God hadn't heard my prayers and also the prayers from others. I know that a lot of people were praying for me- and I'd like to share with you that they helped!

So with that- I will continue listening to my IPod- maybe download a little Lady GAGA and let it roll!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My June Youth & Family Article

From Your Youth & Family Coordinator:

Okay, you’re a Christian so what are your responsibilities as a follower of Jesus? Wait a minute…I didn’t realize that I would have to “work” at being a Christian? I have to work at my job and take care of my home and family. Why do I need to work at being one of Jesus’ followers? I go to church on Sundays, I sing the songs, I say the prayers, what the heck else is there to do? And why is the church constantly trying to get volunteers for this and for that? Why are we having ANOTHER offering to help someone else in another country? I just want to enjoy my one hour at church and be done with it until next week. I helped last year on that committee, I’ve done my duty.

Okay, now that may not be everyone’s mindset, but I’m sure at least one of these statements has run through our minds at least once. So what is the deal with being a Christian and a member of a church? Well, we are to walk as Jesus has walked. Jesus served other people; he helped the poor and sick; he gave to others. You didn’t hear much about Jesus just hanging out and being passive in his work, however, there were some days that he did want to be alone to pray and rejuvenate. We come to worship on Sunday to receive that rejuvenation from God so we can go out that next week to serve others like Jesus did. But we say there is so much on my plate that I can’t find time to volunteer anymore. I don’t make enough money to contribute to another cause. We have to stop coming up with excuses and become the people that God wants us to be: A loving, giving and hospitable people.

There are a lot of opportunities to help serve others whether it’s in our own church, out in the community, or even out in the world.

Here are some ideas that are featured in this month’s newsletter:

• In our community: The Free Lunch for Kids program will be needing volunteers to help pass out food Monday-Friday.
• In our world: Attend our “Month of Potlucks” to contribute to the fight against world hunger.
• In our church: Volunteer to help with Vacation Bible School, or find out how you can help in other ways.

There are many ways that we can use our gifts to help others. I urge you to take action and become the Christian that God wants us to be! Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rom 12:11

God’s Blessings