Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My June Youth & Family Article

From Your Youth & Family Coordinator:

Okay, you’re a Christian so what are your responsibilities as a follower of Jesus? Wait a minute…I didn’t realize that I would have to “work” at being a Christian? I have to work at my job and take care of my home and family. Why do I need to work at being one of Jesus’ followers? I go to church on Sundays, I sing the songs, I say the prayers, what the heck else is there to do? And why is the church constantly trying to get volunteers for this and for that? Why are we having ANOTHER offering to help someone else in another country? I just want to enjoy my one hour at church and be done with it until next week. I helped last year on that committee, I’ve done my duty.

Okay, now that may not be everyone’s mindset, but I’m sure at least one of these statements has run through our minds at least once. So what is the deal with being a Christian and a member of a church? Well, we are to walk as Jesus has walked. Jesus served other people; he helped the poor and sick; he gave to others. You didn’t hear much about Jesus just hanging out and being passive in his work, however, there were some days that he did want to be alone to pray and rejuvenate. We come to worship on Sunday to receive that rejuvenation from God so we can go out that next week to serve others like Jesus did. But we say there is so much on my plate that I can’t find time to volunteer anymore. I don’t make enough money to contribute to another cause. We have to stop coming up with excuses and become the people that God wants us to be: A loving, giving and hospitable people.

There are a lot of opportunities to help serve others whether it’s in our own church, out in the community, or even out in the world.

Here are some ideas that are featured in this month’s newsletter:

• In our community: The Free Lunch for Kids program will be needing volunteers to help pass out food Monday-Friday.
• In our world: Attend our “Month of Potlucks” to contribute to the fight against world hunger.
• In our church: Volunteer to help with Vacation Bible School, or find out how you can help in other ways.

There are many ways that we can use our gifts to help others. I urge you to take action and become the Christian that God wants us to be! Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rom 12:11

God’s Blessings

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