Sunday, May 16, 2010

Having a Roadblock

I'm having a roadblock kinda day- or I'm feeling sorry for myself today. My ex took Luke - the dog which was the original plan- but now I'm feeling sad that I don't have a dog anymore. I have a cat? Someone would had told me that one day you'd be divorced living with a cat- I would have said yeah right- Maybe just the cat part...
I don't have any memory in my entire life that I have not owned a dog. We had them growing up and I've had dogs for 15 years. Maybe the worst part is that then yesterday when I dropped the kids off that Brian had "rescued" another dog and now he has two. The kids were all excited- of course. Now he has the house that has the dogs. I know to you non-animal lovers that this sounds very dramatic-but maybe just for today I'm sad that I don't own a dog anymore.
I'm having a roadblock today...feeling sorry for myself because I can't catch up on the house work or yard work and couldn't get my grill started to cook my dinner. Why did I do this to myself again? Oh yeah= Peace
On the road to a better day tomorrow


  1. You should go to the mall and get one of those tiny little dogs--they don't make as much of a mess as bigs one, and are kind of cute. But, of course, that's not helping the pet population--so you could just get one from a shelter. Or you could also just be...for might even be nice to not have to scoop up crap anymore...

  2. Yes...I should just enjoy a poop free zone
